By registering for Sustainability LIVE New York, you'll gain exclusive access to an impressive lineup of industry-leading voices.
Our Fireside Chats, Keynote Speakers, and Virtual Sessions are designed to inspire and engage you, and our exciting Event Networking app provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals through our Online Networking feature and explore our Virtual Sponsor Booths.
When choosing between attending a virtual or in-person event, the environmental impact often goes unnoticed when compared with all of the other deciding factors such as less travel, reduced material waste, decreased energy usage and reduction in food waste.
Help reduce your carbon footprint by attending this fully virtual event. With our intuitive virtual event platform and engaging virtual stage, you won't miss the feeling of in-person networking.
We think virtual participants ought to have the same experience as any in-person events.
Therefore, at any time throughout the event, you are welcome to enter one of our themed virtual networking rooms.
You will discuss a variety of sustainability-related subjects with other attendees creating meaningful connections.
This virtual event is brought to you by BizClik and Sustainability Magazine
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